
A professional supplier for smelting temperature measurement instruments, oxygen measurement instruments, hydrogen measurement instruments, secondary guns and sampling supporting systems

Wuhan University of Technology - Jinyi Instrument Co., Ltd. Industry-Education-Research Joint Base

Jinyi has a professional technology R & D department; it has cooperated with Wuhan University of Technology for the sensor R & D project, become an industry-education-research joint base of sensor R & D for Wuhan University of Technology and created a strong R & D team. Jinyi deeply surveys the new needs from the market and customers and actively embraces new technologies and new ideas

Tutor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology

Zhang Jian, Male, 1964, Associate Professor, Master`s Supervisor

Research Field
  • Research on High-performance, Anti-abrasive and Water-resistant Kiln Wares;
  • Research on Infrared Shieled Nanocomposites;
  • Research on High-grade Water-resistant Kiln Wares;
  • Application & Development of Zirconia;
  • Research on TO Nanomaterials.
  • Core Contents of Project

    We are dedicated to providing one-stop solutions for temperature measurement, sampling, oxygen measurement, carbon measurement, hydrogen measurement, and testing instruments used in the smelting industry with our high quality products and competitive prices, as well as timely and perfect services.

    Copyright © Tangshan Jinyi Instrument Co., Ltd.